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Why I paint…

I began painting as a means to fill my time during a period of deep personal loss. I found a calm in the process where I could pour out my emotion in a way that I could quietly express. I began to find solace in my practice and I still do. It is what cannot be said that art captures and in a single moment can make one feel. I hope my interpretation of art evokes emotion.
In art, there is no such thing as good or bad, beautiful or broken – because to feel is the only thing essential. If I have made someone feel something through my art, I have succeeded. This is why I paint.

Why Knives?

I’ve always been drawn to knives and have collected several over the years. For me, they serve as the perfect tool. Fierce, precise, beautiful – deliberate. As my artistic process began to evolve, I found I preferred to work with unconventional tools and materials. I like to find things that are damaged, broken, and in need of repair that I can repurpose or alter, using a variety of methods to accomplish different effects. I love to see where and how this process unfolds. Art creates itself. We are only instruments. To witness this is fascinating to me. The layers of paint stripping down only to apply more stroke by stroke. Watching the change begin as I eagerly await to see what will emerge under my knife.